Aerial Photogrammetric Surveying and Mapping
Geosan extended its business to the field of aerial photogrammetric surveying and mapping in 2011. The company owns and operates Vexcel Imaging’s Microsoft UltraCamXp Wide Angle digital camera.

This state-of-the-art aerial photogrammetric camera provides high-resolution digital imagery acquisition capabilities and enables the Geosan team to fulfil a wide range of its clients’ needs.
The camera is electronically controlled by the operator and its captured images are transmitted simultaneously to the cabin monitor as well as to ground stations, has a modular design and is currently installed in the Cessna Grand Caravan aircraft.
UltraCam-XP Wide Angle camera system is the largest digital aerial frame camera and a product of the most successful digital aerial camera series worldwide. It is produced by Vexcel Imaging, a Microsoft’s company, in Graz Austria. It has an advantage in delivering same ground sample distance (GSD) at lower flight altitudes, providing small-scale mapping capabilities for customers with lower-flying airplanes.
Aerial photographs captured by the camera are processed with a software so-called UltraMap which is also Vexcel Imaging’s product and a part of the camera system.
Geosan is the first and only firm that employs a large-format digital aerial camera and that provides comprehensive aerial digital photogrammetry services in Mongolia.
Aircraft: Cessna Grand Caravan 208B
Digital Aerial Mapping Camera: UltraCamXp Wide Angle /Vexcel Corporation of Microsoft/ /Image size – 17310*11310 pixels, lens focal distance – 70mm
GPS/IMU and Flight Management System: POSTrack 510 V5 /Applanix Corporation of Trimble
Dual Frequency GPS receivers: APS-3 /Altus Positioning System, USA/ – 4 units
Max. count rate: 1,000,000 per second
Ultra Map 2.3,
PosTrack 5.4 /Applanix Corporation of Trimble GPS/IMU post-processing:
PosPac MMS /Applanix Corporation of Trimble Image processing
Inpho of Trimble,
ArcGISArcGIS 9.3.1,
AutoCad .
Urban/rural planning and cadastral maps
Environment management and land-use verification
Quarry/mining landfill site – operations, volumetric analysis
Power line/pipeline planning and vegetation assessment
Emergency planning – hazard identification
Railways – embankment stability analysis, vector mapping
Roads and highways – noise mapping, vector data planning
Wind farms – site selection, planning strategy
Coastal survey – erosion risk mapping
Construction engineering– ground model generation, infrastructure planning